Create an Android Kiosk Mode Policy

A dedicated device uses simple workflows to perform specific tasks. Using the Android Kiosk Mode Policy, you can restrict the usage of the device to a single app or a small set of apps, such as ticket printing or inventory management.


The kiosk mode policy relies on apps defined in JumpCloud’s Software Management. If an app used by this policy is modified or deleted in Software Management, it impacts the associated apps on the device and can have unintended consequences.



  • If you are using the Kiosk Mode Policy to control digital signage or another use case in which the device will stay on for long periods of time and will be connected to a power source, you will need to set up a Battery Mode Policy and configure the Timeout Range in the Passcode Policy.

Creating an Android Kiosk Mode Policy


Do not apply multiple kiosk mode policies to the same device. Applying more than one kiosk mode policy to a single device will result in unexpected behavior.

To create an Android Kiosk Mode policy:

  1. Log in to the JumpCloud Admin Portal.
  2. Go to DEVICE MANAGEMENT > Policy Management.
  3. In the All tab, click (+).
  4. On the New Policy panel, select the Android tab.
  5. Select the Kiosk Mode Policy policy from the list, then click configure.
  6. (Optional) On the New Policy panel, enter a new name for the policy, or keep the default. Policy names have to be unique.
  7. For Policy Notes, enter details like when you created the policy, where you tested it, and where you deployed it.

Kiosk Applications

Under Kiosk Applications, choose the Kiosk Mode Selection:

  1. Select Single App Mode for a dedicated device restricted to one app, with the ability to define supporting applications.
    • Choose the Primary Application that will be displayed on the device.
    • Choose any Additional Applications that will be available for use on the device. 
      • Click Add Another App to enter another.
      • Click the trash icon to remove an application.
  2. Select Launcher Mode for a dedicated device that will be able to launch multiple apps, and choose any of the available Software Management apps.


Ensure that you do not select duplicate apps in either Single App or Launcher Mode or the policy will not save.

Device Restrictions

Under Device Restrictions, complete these fields:

  1. Under Device Settings, determine if users can access the device’s Settings app:
    • Select Allowed to let users access the device’s settings app in kiosk mode. This is the default setting.
    • Select Blocked to hide the device’s Settings app in kiosk mode.
  2. Under Power Button, determine if the device’s Power menu is displayed:
    • Select Available to display the device’s Power menu when the user presses and holds the Power button in kiosk mode. This is the default setting.
    • Select Blocked to hide the device’s Power menu when the user presses and holds the Power button in kiosk mode. 
  3. Under Status Bar, determine how the device’s status bar is displayed:
    • Select Disabled to block system information and notifications on the status bar while the device is in kiosk mode. This is the default setting.
    • Select Enabled to display system information and notifications on the status bar while the device is in kiosk mode.
    • Select System Info Only to display only System Information on the status bar while the device is in kiosk mode.
  4. Under System Errors, determine how system errors are displayed on the device:
    • Select Muted to block system error messages in kiosk mode for crashed or unresponsive apps. The device also forces apps to quit. This is the default setting.
    • Select Enabled to view system error messages in kiosk mode for crashed or unresponsive apps.
  5. Under System Navigation, choose what level of access users have to other areas of the system while in kiosk mode:
    • Select Disabled to hide the Home and Overview buttons in kiosk mode. This is the default.
    • Select Enabled to allow the Home and Overview buttons to work in kiosk mode. 
    • Select Home Button Only to allow the Home Button (but not the Overview button) to work in kiosk mode.


Device Restrictions behavior may produce inconsistent results due to the variance across Android device manufacturers and operating systems.

Saving the Policy


For this policy to take effect, you have to specify a device or a device group.

  1. (Optional) Select the Device Groups tab. Select one or more device groups where you will apply this policy. For device groups with multiple OS member types, the policy is applied only to the supported OS.
  2. (Optional) Select the Devices tab. Select one or more devices where you will apply this policy.
  3. Click save.
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