Remote Access
Establish secure, direct connections to troubleshoot devices from anywhere in the world to solve active technical issues.
Be in Full Control of All Your Remote Devices
JumpCloud Remote Access provides a combination of Remote Assist and Background Tools to make secure remote sessions and troubleshoot Windows, Mac, and Linux devices from a single console.
Accelerate IT Efficiency
JumpCloud Remote Access enables IT to take control of end user devices through live or unattended remote sessions and offers Background Tools with remote command line and file manager capability, so they can achieve efficient time-to-resolution and close helpdesk tickets quickly.
Help Center
| Get Started: Remote AssistBlog Post
| Remote Assist Extends Critical Device Management CapabilitiesVideo Tutorial
| Remote Assist Tutorial

Simplify Operations and Management
JumpCloud enables simple, secure access across Windows, macOS, and Linux devices while removing operational complexities related to remote control, blind over-the-phone navigation, and cumbersome screen sharing tools through a secure, peer-to-peer channel. It also provides Background Tools to more effectively support end-users behind the scenes when it comes to maintenance, troubleshooting, running interactive commands, and file transfers.
Help Center
| Get Started: Background Tools and Remote File ManagerHelp Center
| Remote Assist FAQBlog Post
| What is Remote Assistance?
Gain Proactive IT Visibility (or) Manage IT Proactively (or) Monitor Devices in Real time
It is always a herculean task for IT admins to gain real-time visibility over their devices to proactively manage IT. JumpCloud’s Device Monitoring and Alerting empowers IT teams to gain continuous visibility over their devices to identify operational and security deviations before they turn into critical issues. With proactive management, IT admins can ensure smooth operations and implement robust security hygiene.
Blog Post
| DMA Feature Release BlogFeature
| JumpCloud Device Monitoring and Alerting
Try our Remote Assist Guided Simulation
Please rotate device
This guided simulation is best viewed in landscape mode.
Explore JumpCloud Open Directory Platform Capabilities
Identity Management
Access Management
Device Management