Create an Android Work & Personal Usage Policy

Android devices use work profiles to separate work apps and data from personal apps and data.The Android Work & Personal Usage Policy controls which information is enabled on the personal side of the work profile. Keeping information separate and secure in a personal profile lets you maintain appropriate personal usage policies. This policy works for devices running Android 5.1 and later.


To create an Android Work & Personal Usage policy:

  1. Log in to the JumpCloud Admin Portal.
  2. Go to DEVICE MANAGEMENT > Policy Management.
  3. In the All tab, click (+).
  4. On the New Policy panel, select the Android tab.
  5. Select the Work & Personal Usage policy from the list, then click configure.
  6. On the New Policy panel, optionally enter a new name for the policy, or keep the default. Policy names must be unique.
  7. For Policy Notes, enter details like when you created the policy, where you tested it, and where you deployed it.
  8. Under Personal Settings, configure these fields:
    • Select Disable Camera to prevent users from accessing and using the camera in the personal profile to take a screenshot.
    • Select Disable Screen Capture to block users from taking screen captures in the personal profile.
    • For Maximum Days Work Profile is Paused, enter the number of days the user can turn off the work profile. When the work profile is off, the device’s location sharing is not allowed. The minimum value for a work profile to be off is 3 days.
    • Under Add Account Types to Disable, enter the account type as a string in the field provided to restrict the management of that account type by the user.
    • For App Control Mode, select one of the following options to control the applications that can be installed from the Google Play Store on the device's Personal Profile.
      • Allow list: Only the apps explicitly specified under Personal Applications are allowed.
      • Block list: All apps are allowed except those which are explicitly specified as blocked under Personal Applications.
    • Under Personal Applications, select the application(s) from the drop-down list that you want to specifically allow or specifically deny based on the App Control Mode setting above.
      • Click Add to add a new application to the allow or block list.
      • Click the trash icon to delete an application from the list.
  9. Under Personal & Work Settings, configure these fields:
    • Under Enable Copy and Paste, control the user's ability to copy and paste profile data from one profile to another profile. This setting is supported on devices running Android 7.0 and later.
      • Disallow (default)
      • Allow
    • Under Share Profile Data, control data sharing from one profile to apps in another profile.
      • Disallow Cross Profile
      • Disallow From Work To Personal (default)
      • Allow Cross Profile
    • Under Share Contacts, control sharing of contact data stored in the work profile with the personal profile. The data shows up in contact searches and incoming calls in a personal profile.
      • Allow (default)
      • Disallow
      • Disallow Except System Apps
    • Under Work Profile Widgets, control the ability to add widgets to the home screen if there is no app-specific policy. This settings is supported on devices running Android 7.0 and later. 
      • Disallow (default)
      • Allow
    • Under Private Space, control whether users can create a private space profile on the device.
      • Allow (default)
      • Disallow
  10. Under Communication Settings, configure these fields:
    • Under Preferential Network Service to control the preferential network service setting on the work profile. For example, you might want all work data from your employees' devices to be sent via a network service dedicated for enterprise use. An example of a supported preferential network service is the enterprise slice on 5G networks.
      • Disabled (default)
      • Enabled
  11. (Optional) Select the Device Groups tab. Select one or more device groups where you will apply this policy. For device groups with multiple OS member types, the policy is applied only to the supported OS.
  12. (Optional) Select the Devices tab. Select one or more devices where you will apply this policy.


For this policy to take effect, you must specify a device or a device group.

  1. Click save.
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