LetsGetChecked future-proofs IT management with JumpCloud, improving security & building a foundation for scale

LetsGetChecked is a virtual care company that offers at-home health testing kits, telehealth services, and prescription drug deliveries. Founded in 2015 and co-headquartered in Dublin, Ireland and New York City, the company has over 700 employees working in its different locations around the world.

Scaling rapidly while transitioning to remote work during the pandemic

In June 2020, when the COVID-19 pandemic was center stage, Kev D’Arcy joined LetsGetChecked as a principal security engineer. “I kind of knew what I was getting myself into but also had no idea what I was getting myself into,” D’Arcy says with a laugh.

As a company that makes more than 30 different at-home health testing kits, including a COVID kit, LetsGetChecked was uniquely positioned for growth during the pandemic.

“That was just a business opportunity that wasn’t there before,” explains D’Arcy, now the company’s SVP of information security. “We were very lucky in one sense that we were ideally placed to be able to service the need for COVID testing.” 

In response to this, the company’s growth began accelerating.

“The biggest struggle we had at the time was keeping up with the pace of our business needs,” D’Arcy explains. “We went from being a reasonably small company of 110 people when I joined to 200 or 300 within a year, and we are now more than 700.”

Managing remote access with JumpCloud

Like every other business, LetsGetChecked was forced to rapidly transition to remote work in response to the pandemic. At the time, facilitating this transition and ensuring employees could securely log in to mission-critical applications was a challenge for D’Arcy’s small team of four.

“We just didn’t have the capacity for everyone to be remote,” D’Arcy says. “There was kind of a skeleton of the ability to do that, but it needed to be scaled up massively.”

LetsGetChecked already was using JumpCloud for device management; its IT environment is roughly 80% Windows and 20% Mac, according to D’Arcy. Additionally, the company was also using JumpCloud as a cloud directory.

“I was happy that it wasn’t Active Directory; if you run AD well, it works really, really well, but it takes a lot of effort to keep it going,” he says. “The good news is that JumpCloud is very intuitive. I wasn’t familiar with it before coming here, but I was able to learn it really quickly.”

Seeking a solution for remote access, D’Arcy and his team began exploring more of the JumpCloud platform, and they ultimately decided to use it to solve their most pressing problem.

Embedding JumpCloud throughout the organization 

In JumpCloud, LetsGetChecked has found a feature-rich solution the company relies on for security, device management, access control, authentication, and much more.

“JumpCloud is embedded into everything we do, particularly from a security perspective,” D’Arcy explains. “It’s very embedded into our processes.” 

Policy enforcement made easy

Like many other companies, LetsGetChecked wasn’t planning to become a remote-first organization, so a lot of their tools weren’t configured for remote work.

“The team was very small at that stage, and a lot of processes were immature because the company was still young. The really important things — like the laptop policies, the patching policies, and even the antivirus policies — were not set up properly, so we had to go through each system one by one,” D’Arcy says. “With JumpCloud, it was relatively straightforward; you can push out policies very quickly. It’s very easy to manage remotely.” 

Improved security

With JumpCloud at the center of IT operations, D’Arcy and his team can rest comfortably knowing that sensitive customer data is secure.

“Our customers trust us with their data and they’re trusting us to make sure that we handle it appropriately and have sufficient controls and measures in place to make sure we’re worthy of that trust and that we take care of the data for them,” he says. “JumpCloud helps us deliver on that mission.” 

LetsGetChecked also uses the JumpCloud Protect app for multi-factor authentication (MFA), which has been a game-changer for the company.

“JumpCloud Protect is incredibly useful,” D’Arcy explains. “It was extremely useful to us when we were migrating from one VPN provider to another, which had a limited set of technologies it supported from an MFA perspective. JumpCloud Protect became available, we were using the LDAP feature in JumpCloud to authenticate, and the timing just worked out really well. We were able to pair the two together and didn’t have to buy a standalone MFA solution.”

Zero-touch deployment for Macs

LetsGetChecked has also taken advantage of JumpCloud’s zero-touch deployment tools for Mac machines, which has made it considerably easy to send new Macs to employees.

“I like the fact that there’s a very set process for onboarding a Mac, and the zero-touch deployments are incredibly useful because we didn’t really have a good way of managing that internally before JumpCloud,” D’Arcy continues. “The zero-touch deployment gives us the ability to start the onboarding process from a good point, and then we can run scripts and commands in the background as needed to install the software that doesn’t come by default.” 

Future-proofing IT management

D’Arcy and his team are laser-focused on preventing problems that impact operations.

“As more features come out, we always look at JumpCloud for a solution first,” D’Arcy says. “We go through an iterative cycle of seeing whether JumpCloud has a feature we can use to solve problems we’ve just discovered or, even better, get ahead of a problem before it impacts us.” 

In D’Arcy’s experience, JumpCloud continues to impress by pushing out new features at what seems to be the perfect time.

“There’s been a lot of happy coincidences along the way,” he concludes. “JumpCloud has been incredibly powerful, and it’s certainly one of the cornerstones of the successes that we’ve had. We would have struggled to get where we are without it.” 

Learn more about JumpCloud 

JumpCloud changes the way IT administrators manage their organizations by providing a comprehensive and flexible cloud directory platform. From one pane of glass, manage user identities and resource access, secure Mac, Windows, and Linux devices, and get a full view of your environment.

To see the power of JumpCloud, contact sales or start a 30-day trial today.

About JumpCloud

The JumpCloud Directory Platform provides secure, frictionless user access from any device to any resource, regardless of location. Get started, or contact us at 855.212.3122.