User Attributes

Each user in JumpCloud can be decorated with a series of attributes to create a profile for use in the directory, which can then be consumed by resource endpoints via various protocols.  

Attributes come in two types: standard user attributes and Custom User Attributes. This article will go over standard user attributes, as well as how they map to LDAP.

User Attributes

Standard User Attributes

Attribute Purpose
First Name The user’s first name. Free form. Available in: API, Admin Portal, User Portal
Middle Name The user’s middle name. Free form. Available in: API, Admin Portal
Last Name The user’s last name. Free form. Available in: API, Admin Portal, User Portal
Username The user’s JumpCloud username. Restricted free-form, required, uniqueness enforced within org. Consider the naming convention for users before you build your directory. IMPORTANT: Username can only be modified if the user is not bound to any resources. Learn more about potential impacts of removing resource bindings to make username modifications. Available in: API, Admin Portal, User Portal
Display Name Preferred name of a user, if they prefer to be called by a name other than firstname + lastname. Free form. Available in: API, Admin Portal
Managed Apple ID User's email address that allows iOS users to access Apple services. Free form.
Company Email User’s email address. Free form, required, global uniqueness enforced. Available in: API, Admin Portal, User Portal
User Creation Date The date the user was created in the system. This is a read-only attribute that is automatically populated after a new user is saved. Available in: API, Admin Portal
LDAP Distinguished Name LDAP Distinguished Name for the user. Automatically populated for user. Available in: API, Admin Portal
Description A description of the user. Free form. Available in: API, Admin Portal
Password User’s password. Free form. Available in: API, Admin Portal, User Portal
Employee ID Alphanumeric identifier assigned to a user, typically based on order of hire or association with an org, at the discretion of the admin. Free form, uniqueness enforced within org. Available in: API, Admin Portal
Job Title The job title of a user. Free form. Available in: API, Admin Portal
Employee Type Used to identify the employer to employee relationship. Free form. Available in: API, Admin Portal
Company The name of the user's employer. Free form. Available in: API, Admin Portal
Department The department in which the user works. Free form. Available in: API, Admin Portal
Cost Center A defined area to whom direct and indirect costs are allocated. Free form. Available in: API, Admin Portal
Location The name of the location where the user works. Free form. Available in: API, Admin Portal, User Portal
Work Country The name of the country where the user works. Drop-down list in Admin Portal; free form in User Portal. Available in: API, Admin Portal, User Portal
Work Phone Work telephone number for the user. Free form. Available in: API, Admin Portal, User Portal
Work Cell Work cell phone number for the user. Free form. Available in: API, Admin Portal, User Portal
Work Fax Work fax telephone number for the user. Free form. Available in: API, Admin Portal, User Portal
Work Street Address Work street address for the user. Free form. Available in: API, Admin Portal, User Portal
PO Box Work PO Box for the user. Free form. Available in: API, Admin Portal, User Portal
Work City Work city for the user. Free form. Available in: API, Admin Portal, User Portal
Work State Work state for the user. Free form. Available in: API, Admin Portal, User Portal
Work Postal Code Work postal code for the user. Free form. Available in: API, Admin Portal, User Portal
Home Phone Personal home phone number for the user. Free form. Available in: API, Admin Portal, User Portal
Personal Cell Personal cell phone number for the user. Free form. Available in: API, Admin Portal, User Portal
Home Street Address Home street address for the user. Free form. Available in: API, Admin Portal, User Portal
PO Box Personal PO Box for the user. Free form. Available in: API, Admin Portal, User Portal
Home City Home address city for the user. Free form Available in: API, Admin Portal, User Portal
Home State Home address state for the user. Free form. Available in: API, Admin Portal, User Portal
Home Postal Code Home address postal code for the user. Free form. Available in: API, Admin Portal, User Portal
Home Country Home address country for the user. Free form. Available in: API, Admin Portal, User Portal
Unix User ID (UID) The numerical Unix user id for the user. Numeric, required (auto-generated if not specified). Available in: API, Admin Portal
Unix Group ID (GID) The numerical Unix group id for the user. Numeric, required (auto-generated if not specified). Available in: API, Admin Portal

For more information on interacting with user attributes via API, refer to our JumpCloud API documentation.

LDAP Attribute Mapping

All standard user attributes are available to consume from LDAP for users that are bound to the JumpCloud LDAP-as-a-Service directory. The following mapping shows how JumpCloud attributes are represented in LDAP-as-a-Service.

LDAP Attributes

LDAP Attributes

JumpCloud Attribute LDAP Attribute
First Name givenName
Last Name sn
Username uid
Email mail
Password userPassword
Middle Name initials
Display Name displayName
Home Phone homePhone
Personal Cell mobile
Work Phone telephoneNumber
Work Cell pager
Work Fax facsimileTelephoneNumber
Home Address -PO Box -Street -City -State -Zip -Country homePostalAddress
Work Address -PO Box -Street -City -State -Zip -Country postalAddress -postOfficeBox -street -l -st -postalCode -co
Title title
Department departmentNumber
Cost Center businessCategory
Location physicalDeliveryOfficeName
Employee ID employeeNumber
Employee Type employeeType
Company company
Unix User ID (UID) uidNumber
Unix Group ID (GID) gidNumber
Description description
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