Create Custom User Attributes

JumpCloud's Custom Attributes enable you to create and store additional data about your users, beyond the standard attributes available for every user. Custom attributes are extensible through the API and can be used with the Workday directory integration and SAML Single Sign On (SSO). Custom Attributes currently aren’t supported for LDAP or RADIUS. 

  • You can create custom attributes for user groups, where users who are assigned to the user group inherit the custom attributes. See Group Inherited User Attributes to learn more. 
  • You can also manage custom user attributes through the JumpCloud API as a modifiable property for System Users. See JumpCloud API documentation for more information and examples.

Creating and Managing Custom Attributes in the Admin Portal

You can create and manage Custom Attributes from the Admin Portal and by adding, modifying, deleting, and querying this information through JumpCloud's API.

To add custom attributes to a user from the Admin Portal

  1. Log in to the JumpCloud Admin Portal.
  2. Go to USER MANAGEMENT Users.
  3. Click the green + symbol at the top-left to create a new user, or select an existing user.
  4. From the Details tab, scroll to Custom Attributes.
  5. Click Add New Custom Attribute.
  6. Enter an Attribute Name and an Attribute Value.
  7. Click add new custom attribute to add another custom attribute, or click save.

User Attribute configuration allows for:

  • Name – The Name field contains a string defining the attribute’s display name. The name string must be fewer than 32 characters, must be unique, and can only contain letters and numbers, no special characters.
  • Value – The Value field contains a string to insert the attribute’s value. The Value string has no character restrictions.

Creating and Managing Attributes with the PowerShell Module

You can use the JumpCloud PowerShell module to create and add attributes to existing users, as well as create new users with custom attributes.


Need to install the module? The module can be installed on Mac, Windows, and Linux in a few quick steps.

Adding Custom Attributes to an Existing User

To add a custom attribute to an existing user, issue the following command:

Set-JcUser "JC_USERNAME" -NumberOfCustomAttributes 1 -Attribute1_name "ATTRIBUTE_NAME" -Attribute1_value "VALUE"

You can also add multiple attributes to a user by modifying the -NumberOfCustomAttributes value:

Set-JcUser Mr.User -NumberOfCustomAttributes 2 -Attribute1_name "Prefix1" -Attribute1_value "Mr." -Attribute2_name "Prefix2" -Attribute2_value "Sir"

Adding Custom Attributes to Multiple Users

The same PowerShell command can be paired with Get-JcUserGroupMember to update multiple users that are part of a user group. Replace Group_Of_Users with the name of your user group, and replace Attribute1_name and Attibute1_value with the custom attribute information:

Get-JcUserGroupMember "Group_Of_Users" | Set-JcUser -NumberOfCustomAttributes 1 -Attribute1_name "ATTRIBUTE_NAME" -Attribute1_value "VALUE"

Create New Users with Custom Attributes

To create a new user and add a custom attribute in the same operation, use the following command:

New-JCUser -firstname Mr -lastname User -username Mr.User -email [email protected] -NumberOfCustomAttributes 1 -Attribute1_name "Prefix" -Attribute1_value "Mr."

You can also create users in bulk with custom attributes by using a CSV file and the command Update-JCUsersFromCSV. See the following articles for more information:

Using Custom Attributes with SSO Apps

After adding custom attributes to your users, you can include them within the SAML assertion message when a user connects to SSO applications by adding the custom attribute to your SSO app connector.

The expected "Service Provider Attribute Name" format should be found within your application’s Service Provider documentation.

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