Policy application in Jumpcloud may fail for various reasons. To investigate the failed policies, follow these steps:
- Go to Device Management > Devices and select the device from the list.
- Click the Policy Results tab.
- Click the view button next to the failed policy to view the details.
You might find a code (can be in alphanumeric or decimal format) listed as the reason for failing in the Exit Status field and/or the Details section.
Exit Status 1 indicates Policy Conflicts. See Windows Policy Conflicts for details.
Understanding Win32 Error Codes
Some of the error codes come from the Operating System. The following table lists some of the frequent error codes that might appear in the Exit Status field or the Details section with a description of what the code indicates.
Win32 Error Codes
Code | Details | Description |
Code 1 | Incorrect function. | The performed action has attempted to execute a non-recognized command in Windows command prompt cmd.exe. |
Code 2 | The system cannot find the file specified. | Indicates that the file can not be found in the specified location. The folder structure/path is configured correctly, but the file name is either misspelled or the file is missing. |
Code 3 | The system cannot find the path specified. | Indicates that the specified file path can not be found. |
Code 4 | The system cannot open the file. | A path to the file is specified correctly, but the user credentials do not contain necessary permissions to the specified resource. Use the Run As feature to grant access to a local file or network path. |
Code 5 | Access is denied. | Indicates that the user does not have access to the specified resource. |
Code 259 | The operation that was requested is pending completion. The process is still running. | Indicates that an application is still running and has not yet completed. However, custom applications may return any exit code, including the 259, as a custom termination status. If your workflow relies on checking the running status of an application, and the application terminates with the code 259, it may result in an infinite loop waiting for a different exit code. |
Code 9009 | Program is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. | Indicates that command, application name or path has been misspelled when configuring the Actions—Run CMD Command or Start App. |
Code 2147942545 | The directory is not empty. | The System attempted to delete a folder that was supposed to be empty but it isn't. Extremely rarely, the Remove Folder Action may experience this error when deleting folders within a path of about 32,000 characters deep. In a few seconds/minutes Windows will enumerate files, and the problem will vanish upon retrying to remove the folder again. |
Code 3221225477 | Access violation. | Indicates that the executed program has terminated abnormally or crashed. |
Code 3221225495 | Not enough virtual memory is available. | Indicates that Windows has run out of memory. Observe Automation Workshop memory usage via the Operations Manager. |
Code 3221225786 | The application terminated as a result of a CTRL+C. | Indicates that the application has been terminated either by user's keyboard input CTRL+C, or CTRL+Break, or closing command prompt window. |
Code 3221225794 | The application failed to initialize properly. | Usually for interactive apps, a user with administrator rights is required. Moreover, the user must log on at least once to allow Windows to prepare the Windows Station and Desktop. This error may also indicate that the application has been launched on a Desktop to which the current user has no access rights. Another less possible cause is that either gdi32.dll or user32.dll has failed to initialize. |
Code 3221226505 | Stack buffer overflow/ overrun. | Error can indicate a bug in the executed software that causes stack overflow, leading to abnormal termination of the software. |
Code 3221225725 | Stack overflow / exhaustion. | Error can indicate a bug in the executed software that causes stack overflow, leading to abnormal termination of the software. |
Code 3762507597 | Unhandled exception in .NET application. | More details may be available in the Windows Event log. |
Code 4294770688 | Path of the ps1 is not correct. | |
Code 4294967295 | Current host and your Linux subsystem connection timed out and did not respond. |
If you see an error that is not in the table above, you can check the links below for more information.
If the error displayed is in decimal format, use this converter to convert it to hexadecimal format and then check the links above.