Create a Mac App Store Restrictions Policy

This policy helps you control who can purchase and install items from the App Store. This policy works on all JumpCloud supported operating systems.


When you apply the Restrict App Store installs to Admin Only policy, your users may be prompted for admin rights when updating their OS. This is expected behavior. 

To configure an App Store Restrictions policy for macOS:

  1. Log in to the JumpCloud Admin Portal:
  2. Go to DEVICE MANAGEMENT > Policy Management.
  3. Select the All tab, then click (+).
  4. On the New Policy panel, select the Mac tab.
  5. Locate the App Store Restrictions policy, then click configure.
  6. Under Settings, select Restrict App Store installs to Admin only to restrict App Store access so that only Admin users can perform app installs and updates.
  7. Under Settings, select Restrict App Store to Updates only to disable all access to the App Store so that users can only view available app updates and not have the ability to browse the App Store.
  1. (Optional) Select the Device Groups tab. Select one or more device groups where you’ll apply this policy. For device groups with multiple OS member types, the policy is applied only to the supported OS.
  2. (Optional) Select the Devices tab. Select one or more devices where you’ll apply this policy.
  3. Click save.
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