Waffo deploys JumpCloud identity & device management in 1 month

Waffo is a fintech company offering a global payments platform that enables customers in more than 40 countries to pay for items across borders with their preferred payment method. Founded in March 2023, Waffo is powered by a remote team spread across Singapore, Hong Kong, China, and Sydney, Australia. Members of the business development team are always on the move, too, expanding businesses across Southeast Asia and South America. 

Building IT infrastructure on a solid foundation

As Waffo was starting out, Jianshi Huang and his fellow co-founders wanted to operate as a Mac shop. But they quickly realized they needed a more diverse IT ecosystem, as developers wanted Linux machines and finance wanted Windows machines equipped with Microsoft Excel.

“All of a sudden, we had three kinds of operating systems to support,” Huang says. “Gradually, it became more and more complicated to manage.” 

Consolidating device and identity management with JumpCloud

To solve this problem, Huang began exploring device management solutions. At the same time, he was looking into identity providers that could provide authentication, single sign-on (SSO), and support for virtual private networks (VPNs), a slew of SaaS applications, and the rest of its IT infrastructure.

“I was exploring different options, and none of them worked really well,” Huang explains. “Okta was popular for identity, but it didn’t cover anything regarding device management — not to mention some of the security features we were looking for, like conditional access and zero-trust configurations.” 

For device management, Huang tested Kandji, a mobile device management solution built for the Apple ecosystem.

“It was very easy to use but had very limited functionality,” he says, adding that the platform lacked robust security features, too.

Waffo uses Google Workspace as its business productivity suite. Around this time, Huang stumbled across an announcement for a new partnership between Google and JumpCloud, the leading provider of secure, frictionless device and identity management solutions.

“I started testing JumpCloud, and surprisingly it worked very well,” Huang says. “I was looking for a tool that was easy to use and had been frustrated seeing how complicated most tools were. You’d have to add one on top of another and could never find someone that could solve all the problems.” 

Once he started playing around with JumpCloud, Huang realized he had finally found the exact tool he was looking for.

Getting up and running with JumpCloud in 1 short month

Liking what he saw, Huang decided to start using JumpCloud for device management and as an identity provider. He and his team began integrating JumpCloud with AWS, their internal applications, VPNs using JumpCloud’s cloud RADIUS Server, and open source tools, which only support LDAP.

“Surprisingly, it worked out of the box with JumpCloud, which I was very happy about,” he says. “I didn’t need to set up any local server like RADIUS or LDAP. It worked very well and was very easy to use.”  

And the best part? How quickly the team got up and running with JumpCloud.

“We set up everything in JumpCloud in less than one month, including the conditional access,” Huang says, attributing the ease of implementation to JumpCloud’s robust documentation along with JumpCloud University, a hub full of resources designed to help customers maximize their investment in the platform. “I went through the initial courses, which were very well-written and very well-explained.” 

In addition to solving the company’s immediate needs for cross-OS device management and identity management, JumpCloud also made it easier to manage a remote team thanks to Remote Assist

“It’s perfect for when people are working remotely and you need to help them,” Huang says. “JumpCloud’s remote control software is included in the same stack with authentication and device management, which is very important. It provides convenience plus security.”

PCI compliance made easy

As every fintech company knows too well, PCI compliance is essential to operations. Any business that processes credit card transactions must comply with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards (PCI DSS), currently in its fourth interaction as PCI DSS v4.0.

With JumpCloud in place, Waffo was able to achieve PCI compliance in less than four short months.

“JumpCloud played a really important role with identity and device management across our whole IT infrastructure,” Huang explains. “For some IT management sections, we were just checking a box because it was already implemented by JumpCloud. I think the only thing we did was increase the minimum password length from 8 characters to 12 characters.”

White-glove service

Huang has been particularly impressed by JumpCloud’s white-glove service. As an example, JumpCloud CEO Raj Bhargava once sent out an email asking for feedback. Huang responded, and the Raj got back to him the same day.

“He arranged the product team and zero-trust experts to talk to me directly over Zoom,” Huang says. “They told me how the platform was designed and how it’s supposed to be configured. It was very helpful.” 

Similarly, whenever Huang’s encountered an issue with JumpCloud, the support team has been standing by ready to help.

“The whole point of using JumpCloud is that it’s very straightforward,” Huang says. “But if you ever have a problem, the support team can handle it.” 

Speaking of support: Any advice for folks considering JumpCloud?

“Subscribe to JumpCloud Platform Prime because JumpCloud’s support is awesome,” Huang concludes.

JumpCloud Platform Prime customers get 24/7 premium support. To learn more about JumpCloud pricing packages, read this

Learn more about JumpCloud 

JumpCloud changes the way IT administrators manage their organizations by providing a comprehensive and flexible cloud directory platform. From one pane of glass, manage user identities and resource access, secure Mac, Windows, and Linux devices, and get a full view of your environment.

To see the power of JumpCloud with your own eyes, request a demo or start a 30-day trial today

About JumpCloud

The JumpCloud Directory Platform provides secure, frictionless user access from any device to any resource, regardless of location. Get started, or contact us at 855.212.3122.