

SSH Key Management for AWS

SSH key management is becoming an increasingly prevalent task for DevOps engineers and IT admins alike. SSH key management for AWS® is especially critical.


What are User Attributes?

IT admins are looking to utilize user attributes to diferentiate their users, but they're starting to ask the question, what are user attributes?


Definition of WiFi Authentication

Many people take WiFi for granted due to its ubiquity, and to access a network you need authentication. What is the definition of WiFi authentication?


Cloud Identity Provider Comparison

As new challanges emerge across the identity provider (IdP) market, it's an exciting time for a cloud identity provider comparison.


AWS® Cloud Directory vs Active Directory®

Amazon has recently introduced a new service on its AWS® platform, called Cloud Directory. So it's time to compare Cloud Directory vs Active Directory®


The New Okta Upselling Pricing Model

Okta's pricing model reflects where the company is going more so than where it's been. Let's take a look at it and see what we can learn.


Open Source Alternative to Okta®

IT admins often want to know their options for SSO providers. The challenge for some organizations, though, is finding an open source alternative to Okta.