Alternate Email for New Users

The Alternate email account can be used as a secondary email address, such as a non-company email account. This email address might be used during onboarding when users don’t have access to their company email account yet.

There are two different types of new user emails, depending on whether you want to create users with or without passwords. They are the Activation email and the Welcome email. These emails are sent when changing a user state to Active, which can be scheduled or done manually. Activating a user immediately gives that user access to all assigned resources and applicable policies in JumpCloud. See Manage User States to learn more about scheduling or manually activating users.

Activation Email Versus Welcome Email

Activation email - sent to new users that have not set up their passwords and are in Password Pending status. The email can be sent to an email address of your choosing.
Welcome email - sent to users that have passwords set by their administrators and are in Active status. The email is sent to the company email address.

Sending the Activation Email for New Users

Activation emails can be sent to the location of your choosing. After creating a new user without a password, you will be prompted to send the Activation email. The field in this modal will be prefilled with the Alternate email by default, or the Company email if the Alternate is not populated. Note: If you’ve configured the default user state to ‘active’ when manually creating new users without a password, and you populate the Alternate email field, a pop-up will ask which email address you want to use to send the activation email to the new user.

To send the activation email for new users:

  1.  Create a new user and populate the Alternate Email field. If you want to send an activation email using an email address that is saved under another user’s account, you may do so in the Activation Email Destination field after saving the user.

Note: The email address must be unique across all of JumpCloud. If you want to send activation emails for multiple users to the same email address, you may do so in the Activation Email field in the modal after saving the user.

  1. After filling out all required fields, click save user. A confirmation window will appear. You can confirm or modify the activation email destination address.
  2. Click send.
  3. If you’d like to send the Activation email to an address without saving the value, simply leave the Alternate Email field empty and create the user. You can specify any email address in the Activation Email modal, and the value won’t be persisted. You can also skip sending the Activation email.

Sending or Resending the Activation Email for Existing Users

To send the Activation email to one user:

  1. Select the applicable user by clicking anywhere on the user’s row. Note: The user must have a ‘password pending’ status.
  2. Click more actions and select Resend Email.

Note: You can specify whether the Activation should go to the Company or Alternate email for the selected user. To send the Activation to a different email address, each user must be individually opened.

  1. Click Send under Send activation email to user on the left panel of the user’s Highlights tab.

Tracking the Activation Email in Directory Insights

If your organization has access to Directory Insights, you can track activation emails via the “user_activation_email” event type.

Informing Users of their Company Email Address

Email templates, including the Activation email, can be customized with several different tokens. See Customizing Email Templates to learn more. When sending the Activation email, the #{user_email} token will display the recipient email address. If you are sending the Activation email to a non-Company address, but would like to include the user's Company email in the email body, you can utilize the #{user_company_email} token.

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