Users: JumpCloud Protect App Overview

JumpCloud Protect is a mobile app for iOS and Android that can be used for multi-factor authentication. Once users have downloaded the app and enrolled their device, the app can be used for push notifications or as an authenticator (TOTP).

The JumpCloud Protect® app includes many features that ensure a user-friendly experience.

Search Functionality

If you have multiple accounts that use JumpCloud Protect for validation, you can use the search functionality to search for the account you need.

To search on an iOS device:

  1. Bring up the list of accounts in JumpCloud Protect
  2. Pull down from the top of the list. The search bar appears.
  3. Tap the search bar and enter your search term.

To search on an Android device:

  1. From the list of accounts, tap the magnifying glass icon.
  2. Enter the search term.
  3. The list populates with all matching results.


The search functionality only searches the account name, not the email address or username associated with the account.

Hide or Show TOTP Code

If you want to hide your TOTP codes from displaying in your list of available TOTPs, you can do so by tapping the eye icon. See the screenshot below for an example:

Tap the eye icon to make the codes viewable. The codes can still be copied and pasted even while hidden. 

Swipe to Delete from List View

You can delete your accounts directly from the JumpCloud Protect list view. To do so:

  1. Swipe right on the row for the account you want to remove. A red delete button will appear.
  1. Tap the delete button.
  2. Confirm the delete by tapping Delete.

Device is Offline Warning

If your device is offline and you cannot verify your identity using Push notifications, you will see a warning message at the top of the screen indicating this. Verification Code (TOTP) accounts can be deleted while the device is offline, but push accounts can only be deleted when the device is online. See below:


Depending on your device’s current settings, a sound or vibration will notify you when your device receives a Push notification from JumpCloud for resource access. If your phone is set to silent mode, the sound alert will not play, and if the notifications are not enabled at all, you will not receive any type of notification alert.

  • If your admin has required biometric authentication, the login request will not complete without it (Face ID, fingerprint, or passcode/pin).
  • If biometric authentication is not required, you will receive the login request on the lock screen of your device, and can approve/deny with a long press (iOS) or by expanding the notification (Android).

Apple Watch

You can also see and respond to JumpCloud Protect notifications on your Apple Watch.

  • The watch must be paired with an iPhone running the JumpCloud Protect app, and notifications must be enabled for the app.


If your admin has required biometric authentication, the notification on the watch will prompt you to open the app on your phone.

Dark Mode

JumpCloud Protect supports Dark Mode to make the settings easier to read during low or limited light environments. In the app, navigate to More > Settings > Display.

  • Users can select Light Mode, Dark Mode, or System. Selecting System will have the app match the display setting that is set on your device.
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