Troubleshoot: BitLocker Policy for Windows Devices

This article shows you how to troubleshoot issues that can occur with the JumpCloud Windows BitLocker Policy.

Policy fails and returns a “More than one numerical password currently set.” error


JumpCloud only stores one Recovery Key. When the extra keys are cleared, the BitLocker policy can be applied successfully. Until the Recovery Key appears in the Admin Portal, it is a good idea to back up your Recovery Key. Not properly backing up Recovery Keys may result in potential data loss. Proceed with caution.

If your BitLocker policy returns an error similar to {"state": "FAILED", "detail": "Bitlocker Protected - More than one numerical password currently set. This configuration is not supported, please ensure that the system only has one or no numerical password in place."}:


The device has multiple Recovery Keys set. This policy is failing because JumpCloud can't determine which key is ours, and can’t rotate the key properly until an admin clears the extras.


To remove extra BitLocker Recovery Keys from a device that has its disk fully encrypted:

  1. On the Windows device, open a command prompt, running it as an administrator.
  2. Run the following command:  manage-bde.exe -protectors c: -get.
  3. Run  manage-bde.exe -protectors c: -delete -id {ID}  to remove the extra numerical password.
Policy returns a “TPM Ownership has not been established” error     

If your BitLocker policy returns a “TPM Ownership has not been established” error, follow these steps:     

  1. On your device, open PowerShell as an administrator and enter execute Get-Tpm into the prompt.
  2. In the results, verify that TpmOwned and AutoProvisioning are set to False/Disabled
  3. Enter Execute Enable-TpmAutoProvisioning in the prompt.
  4. Reboot your device.
  5. Repeat step 1 and verify that TpmOwned and AutoProvisioning are now set to True/Enabled. In the event this doesn’t occur, follow the steps in the procedure below. 
Policy returns a “TPM is not ready to be used on this device” error

If your BitLocker policy returns a “TPM is not ready to be used on this device” error, follow these steps: 

  1. Open the Run window on your device by pressing the WindowsR keys simultaneously. 
  2. Enter tpm.msc into the Run window.
  3. Verify that the status displays The TPM is not ready for use.
  4. From the Actions menu on the Run window, select Prepare TPM.
  5. Using the prompt that appears, restart your device.


If your device recommends clearing the TPM, this could result in data loss. If you need to reset TPM, follow Microsoft’s Documentation.  

  1. After you restart your device, you may be prompted on the boot screen to accept changes to the TPM state. Verify these changes and accept.
  2. Repeat steps 1 and 2 and verify that the TPM status displays The TPM is ready for use.
Policy returns a “C: Volume does not have Tpm Key Protector. Non-OS volumes will not be encrypted” error

BitLocker encryption was applied via the portal, and devices showed successful encryption. However, the Bitlocker policy results show this message: “C: Volume does not have Tpm Key Protector. Non-OS volumes will not be encrypted”


An additional authentication method was enabled on the systems through GPO.


Follow these steps to resolve the issue:

  1. From Start menu, press the Windows logo key on the keyboard.
  2. Type gpedit.msc command and press Enter.
  3. On the Local Group Policy Editor window, follow the path: Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > Windows Components > Bit Locker Drive Encryption.
  4. Select Operating System Devices.
  5. On the right pane, double-click Require additional authentication at startup.
  6. Select the Disabled radio button.
  7. Ensure the Allow BitLocker without a compatible TPM checkbox in the Options section is unchecked.
  8. Once done, click OK to allow the changes to take effect and close the Local Group Policy Editor window.
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