The following are Frequently Asked Question regarding JumpCloud's Google Workspace Directory Integration.
JumpCloud Utilizes OAuth to secure and persist its connection with Google to perform our integration tasks. Integrations logs detailing the Google Workspace JumpCloud OAuth connection can be seen within the Google Admin portal under the Reports > Activity Audit > OAuth Token report.
Yes, Google Workspace MFA is supported in JumpCloud. JumpCloud's MFA can also be used in conjunction with Google Workspace MFA if both layers are desired.
Users created via the JumpCloud / Google Workspace integration will follow the "Auto-Licensing" rules configured within the Google Workspace admin console. These settings can be seen in the "Billing" section of the Google Workspace admin console.
Within the Google admin console, all events occurring via the JumpCloud / Google Workspace integration are logged in the Reports > Admin report. Events are logged under the admin account that authorizes the OAuth connection in JumpCloud. It is best practice to create a dedicated Google Workspace admin account to authorize the JumpCloud / Google Workspace OAuth connection.
When the OAuth session is deactivated in JumpCloud, all users in Google will remain active and functioning. Within JumpCloud, all user accounts remain active as well. All accounts will be unbound from the Google Workspace Directory. When and if the products are reactivated, the admin will need to reassociate the users to the Google Workspace Directory to re-establish the connection and ownership control of the accounts in Google.
While this was previously not a supported configuration, use of the Active Directory Bridge can indeed be used when either Google Apps or Microsoft 365 User Provisioning are enabled.
Yes, JumpCloud can manage email addresses in different domains. Need help? See the Google Workspace Multiple domains FAQ.
Yes, you can integrate multiple Google Workspace directories / accounts with JumpCloud.
At this time, JumpCloud doesn't support avatar import to JumpCloud user accounts.
The Google Workspace and Microsoft 365 Directory integrations can be used together to successfully synchronize both service providers with JumpCloud. The directory integrations utilize the user's email address as the unique identifier for synchronization. Due to this architecture, your domain records may need to be mapped so that the same email address is used between all service providers. For more information refer to the follow vendor-specific documentation:
Upon import, you will see a failure for this user to import as the account with the same email already exists.
JumpCloud's Google synchronization UI displays all of your Google users, regardless of whether they are suspended and/or previously imported. We will provide filtering mechanisms in the future.
At this time, only user accounts are supported between JumpCloud and Google Workspace. OU and Group membership management should continue to be managed in Google directly.
Use the Apply advanced filters on import functionality.
All users are imported by default unless an advanced filter is applied.
No. Once the Super Admin credentials have been authenticated, the connection to Google Workspace, regardless of Administrator, can perform importation and provisioning tasks.
Please see the attributes table in Sync User Attributes with Google Workspace.
The default user state is determined by the value set for Application / Directory Integrations (creation method) in Settings > User Management > Default User State for User Creation > Application / Directory Integrations.
While an admin can prevent an automated email from being delivered to the end user when creating the account inside of JumpCloud by specifying an initial password (Get Started: Users), associating a user to Google Workspace will send an email to the employee. We recommend educating the employee base first before associating them to Google Workspace so the email is expected.
This is generally caused by the Require user to change password at next sign-in setting within the Google User Account being set to true. This is found in the individual User’s “Account” settings within Google. It is advised that this setting be turned to false; JumpCloud will act as the authoritative source of password synchronization, and all password changes must originate from it. Users can then reset their strong password in JumpCloud, and log in with those credentials.
A: If you are utilizing a Google Workspace trial account, this is a known limitation for API-created users until your instance is upgraded to a paid account. In order to remove the suspended user state on a newly created Google Workspace account, the user must attempt a login to the account in order to complete Google's verification steps. This is to prevent malicious activity on trial accounts, and to require that users complete validation prior to being placed into an active state.
The administrator can unassociate the user from the Google Workspace directory in JumpCloud, which will trigger the user in Google to be suspended. Reassociating the user will re-activate the user in Google.
The user remains unchanged in JumpCloud. If you wish to remove the user from JumpCloud, these actions must be performed manually in the JumpCloud Admin Portal.
Should the user need to be re-provisioned from JumpCloud to Google, Google will often require up to 4-5 days before releasing the same email address to be used again.
JumpCloud's password complexity works with Google Workspace-synced users just as with any other JumpCloud user and wherever their credentials are being used. Any attempt by a JumpCloud user to change their password in the JumpCloud User Portal to one that does not meet JumpCloud's complexity requirements will fail. This does not, however, prevent the user from changing their password in their Google account to a non-compliant password. Since JumpCloud is the password authority, any change to the user in JumpCloud will overwrite the non-compliant password in Google with the compliant JumpCloud password.
When synchronizing between JumpCloud and Google Workspace, the password must be compliant with Google's name and password guidelines.
Be aware that passwords must be created with 12 or more characters. Passwords can be any combination of letters, numbers, and symbols (ASCII-standard characters only), or users won't sync from JumpCloud to Google Workspace.
The user’s Google account is suspended, blocking the user from accessing their account. The admin must set a new password for the user in JumpCloud to re-activate the user’s Google account.
Employees shouldn't change their password from Google Workspace's password change system because it won't update in JumpCloud and users could get locked out. We suggest referring to Require Users to Change Google Workspace Passwords in JumpCloud to prevent this.