Multiverse uses JumpCloud to centralize mobile device management, empower end users & optimize IT workflows

Multiverse is a technology company that aims to disrupt the higher education and corporate training industries by connecting talent with professional apprenticeships. Founded in 2016 and headquartered in London, Multiverse has 1,000 employees distributed around the world, including footprints in the United States, the United Kingdom, Denmark, Cyprus, and South Africa. In June 2022, Multiverse closed a $220 million Series D round, which valued the company at $1.7 billion.

Needing to consolidate IT management tools to set up for scale

When Sam Blyth joined Multiverse as head of IT operations in September 2022, his first priority was to overhaul the company’s existing IT tools. 

“It was a combination of growing very quickly and using a number of different tools,” says Blyth, who’s tasked with managing Multiverse’s infrastructure, including hardware, software, and internal support. “Some of our tools did certain things and other tools did other things. But we wanted everything to work in a nice, clean, and coherent way.”

Choosing JumpCloud for feature-rich functionality

Blyth began exploring tools that would give him more control over and visibility into Multiverse’s computing environment.

“I had been aware of JumpCloud but never actually used it,” Blyth says. “We were looking at other options during a discovery phase, but we couldn’t find solutions that did everything, which is what we wanted. Then we looked at JumpCloud. We didn’t know everything we needed at the time, but we knew JumpCloud had our needs covered.”

At this point, the team decided that JumpCloud would help solve its SSO, MDM, and cloud directory problems. Since JumpCloud is feature-rich by design, using it would enable the company to test out many different capabilities and get a better idea of what they needed to do to build a solid tech foundation for the long term. 

“Over the last 18 months, we’ve been getting everything into JumpCloud, moving all systems there from an SSO perspective,” he says. “We’re enrolling all of our devices and going through all the security policies. We’re growing rapidly — we have more than 850 employees — and it’s important for IT to keep pace.”

Empowering users to work productively while streamlining and future-proofing IT operations

In JumpCloud, Blyth and his team have found a tool that does “everything” — and one that is “easy to set up and scale.” 

That ease of deployment can be attributed to Multiverse’s partnership with totality services, an IT managed service provider that delivers end-to-end support services to small- to medium-sized businesses in London. As a JumpCloud partner, totality is intimately familiar with the platform and was able to help Multiverse get up and running quickly on it.

Thanks to JumpCloud University, members of the IT team have also been able to use the platform productively out of the gate, too, with a “gentle learning curve.” 

“It’s a huge help, especially for junior members of the team,” Blyth says. “It gets them up to speed and keeps them up to date in terms of what’s happening in and around JumpCloud. They can learn from scratch what MDM is, what SSO is, what JumpCloud is — it gives them a really good baseline knowledge they can use.” 

Less than two years after deploying JumpCloud across the organization, Multiverse has already experienced several transformative benefits.

Mobile device management made easy

Multiverse’s environment includes roughly a mix of Windows, Mac, iOS and Linux devices. Using JumpCloud, Blyth can manage every device from one place.

“We wanted the ability to manage all of these devices from one pane of glass, and there wasn’t a comfortable way for us to be able to do that using tools like Jamf and Intune,” Blyth says. “With JumpCloud, every device is accessible over a single interface.” 

Streamlined onboarding and offboarding

Before JumpCloud, the company was manually onboarding and offboarding users. After deploying JumpCloud, Blyth immediately started looking at ways to optimize the onboarding and offboarding processes. 

“The biggest thing that stands out is how we’ve been able to scale up our ops internally to be super efficient,” he says. “We used to spend so much time setting up laptops. JumpCloud has enabled us to deploy over 300 laptops over the last three months with relative ease. Everything is done for the user. They just log in. They don’t have to worry about installing certain platforms. It’s all really straightforward.” 

JumpCloud has delivered similar gains for offboarding.

“When it comes to offboarding, having to go through applications by hand is an absolute nightmare,” Blyth says. “While SSO helps from an end-user perspective in terms of ease of use, on our side it enables us to remove access easily.”

By connecting JumpCloud and HiBob, the company’s HR platform, Blyth no longer has to manually offboard users.

“That’s a huge chunk of work we don’t have to do manually. It saves a bunch of time on our side.”

Increased team productivity

With JumpCloud, Blyth is confident all users have the tools they need to work productively from anywhere.

“Our employees are spread out across the U.K. and the U.S., and we’re a hybrid business,” Blyth says. “We need to make sure everyone in the office or at a cafe up in Glasgow has the same experience getting into their devices and applications and being able to work wherever they are. JumpCloud absolutely helped there.”

Increased compliance

As a company that works with a lot of multinational brands, Multiverse is laser-focused on compliance.

“Our clients have tight security requirements when it comes to making sure their internal intellectual property and data is safe and secure,” Blyth says. 

To meet client needs, Multiverse holds itself to strict security requirements while also complying with relevant regulations. For example, the company has its Cyber Essentials Plus certification and is currently working to achieve ISO 27001, SOC 2, and NIST certifications.

“JumpCloud is a very big part of that because it integrates so closely with all of those controls and makes it easy for us to show clear and concise evidence that we are adhering to them,” Blyth continues. “It makes our life much easier when we go to get certifications.”

Future-proofing IT management

As a feature-rich solution that consistently rolls out new updates, JumpCloud has future-proofed Multiverse’s IT management needs with a tool that has new features added to it regularly. 

“JumpCloud is moving fast enough from a roadmap perspective; whatever we ask for is on the roadmap somewhere,” Blyth says. “A lot of bigger platforms take ages to release new features; maybe there is a big, iterative change once a year. With JumpCloud, it’s drip-fed. I prefer that way of working. We get much more value consistently.” 

Plus, if Blyth ever needs help, JumpCloud Remote Assist is always standing by.

With JumpCloud as the central piece tying IT together, Blyth is confident that his team can move beyond fighting fires and being reactive and can instead focus on delivering better IT solutions to roles and teams.

“Having a strong tech stack enables us to do that, and JumpCloud is a big part of it,” he concludes.

Learn more about JumpCloud 

JumpCloud changes the way IT administrators manage their organizations by providing a comprehensive and flexible cloud directory platform. From one pane of glass, manage user identities and resource access, secure Mac, Windows, and Linux devices, and get a full view of your environment.

To see the power of JumpCloud with your own eyes, request a demo or start a 30-day trial today.

About JumpCloud

The JumpCloud Directory Platform provides secure, frictionless user access from any device to any resource, regardless of location. Get started, or contact us at 855.212.3122.