Today, an admin has to keep track of numerous certificates – ranging from Apple device certificates, and website domains, to individual applications they host (just to name a few). It can be overbearing to monitor and track expiration dates and renewal notices while keeping up with the daily grind.
With so many certificates to keep track of, the fear of having a certificate expire and going through the process to renew, (typically at the most inconvenient time,) is becoming a thing of the past. Introducing the new MDM Certificate Expirations widget, where you can see the “at-a-glance” life cycle of your device certificates – MDM, Automated Device Enrollment, and even Apple’s Volume Purchase Program (VPP)!
With color-coded alerts showing the days left until your certificate expires, quick action links let you quickly start the renewal process. Not ready to tackle that today? No problem. The gauge continues to countdown until the certificate has expired to help keep you on track, and remains red until you’ve renewed the certificate.

How Do MDM Certificate Expirations Work?
The MDM Certificate Expirations widget acts as a speedometer, telling you when the time is up, you’ve hit the red and it’s time to renew. The chart will show the gauge getting full, symbolizing it’s time to do something about the expiring certificate.
With a fully red gauge that’s prominent on your homepage, you’re easily reminded to take action and renew. Clicking the easily accessible “View MDM” link lands you right where you need to start the renewal process – within the Device’s MDM landing page.
Alert. Investigate. Remediate.
Your homepage continues to grow providing you additional information, alerts and ways to take action. And now with MDM Certificate Expirations, here’s to one less thing you have to track and remember, we’ve got you covered.
Try the widget today!