Hey, JumpCloud Partners: Check Out Our Learning Resources

Written by Ashley Gwilliam on May 10, 2023

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Hi, Partner:

We’re writing from a horizon full of exciting opportunities, also known as JumpCloud. 

Your objective, should you accept, is to join us in delivering cutting-edge cloud directory solutions to clients around the globe. We have provided several learning resources to equip you with the knowledge needed for optimal delivery and execution. 

Attached to this letter is a brief containing pointers to the essential resources you’ll need to excel as a member of our network. We hope you find it helpful.


Your friends at JumpCloud.

At JumpCloud, we understand our Partners need proper guidance and resources to deliver value to their clients worldwide.  

Whether you’re a Reseller, Value Added Reseller, or Managed Services Provider (MSP), we’re confident our learning resources will provide you with the knowledge and skills to succeed. In this post, we’ll give you an overview of the resources available to fast-track your progress. 

Getting Started Webinars

The first resource we encourage you to check out is our “Getting Started” webinars. We hold them monthly and cover the foundational learning resources that provide essential product updates and feature information for new partners. 

In light of this and the time differences for partners in various locations, our team will soon offer global webinar times in the second quarter of 2023. This way, partners can conveniently attend webinars regardless of where they reside. 

Webinar participants will learn about:

  • The benefits of becoming a JumpCloud partner
  • The tools & integrations available in JumpCloud’s multi-tenant portal
  • The implementation support offered by Professional Services
  • The best practices for engaging support & placing feature requests
  • How to create a JumpCloud University account and access the certification and e-learning paths available to support their continued enablement.

Ready to launch your partnership with JumpCloud?

Register for our “Getting Started” webinars today!

JumpCloud University Learning Paths

JumpCloud University provides partners with training in the following learning paths:

JC University

1. Foundations of JumpCloud

This learning path teaches you the basics of cloud directory services and identity and access management strategy. This will help you thoroughly understand how clients will use JumpCloud’s Directory Platform from start to finish.

2. Get to Know the JumpCloud Platform

Here, you will receive a technical dive into our open directory platform to better understand daily client workflows. You will also gain the knowledge needed to demonstrate the JumpCloud platform to clients. Plus, we’ll walk you through the JumpCloud implementation journey, including navigating the admin portal, utilizing MFA, enforcing policies, leveraging user and device groups, and much more.

3. Troubleshooting JumpCloud

Here, you’ll learn to troubleshoot the issues clients may encounter within JumpCloud, such as user lockouts and policy enforcement. You’ll also learn the 4-step troubleshooting model for identifying and eliminating basic JumpCloud agent-related concerns. 

There will also be training on user provisioning and de-provisioning and information on how to interpret logs in the directory insights.

Get JumpCloud Certified 

JumpCloud University verifies your technical and sales skill sets through three different certifications, as shown below:

JC Certification

JumpCloud Core Certification

This certificate validates that partners possess the solid foundational knowledge to execute standard implementation, configurations, and daily operations across the JumpCloud platform.

We strongly recommend that you prepare for the certification exams by completing the courses in this learning path. We’ve provided a study guide to help you understand what to expect and a practice test to prepare you adequately for the exam.

JumpCloud Sales Professional Certification

This learning path grounds your knowledge of JumpCloud’s functionalities and value. That way, you are well-equipped to position JumpCloud to clients and explain its business benefits to them. You’ll also learn communication skills and to use discovery questions and objection handling to be on the same page as clients.

JumpCloud Technical Consultant Certification

This learning path builds upon the knowledge gained during the Core Certification and provides an in-depth understanding of the JumpCloud platform. 

The Core Certificate enables you to take the JumpCloud Demonstration course, giving more insight into Jumploud’s features. Completing the Demonstration Course prepares and grants you access to the Technical Consultant Certification.

Note: a JumpCloud Core Certificate is required to sit for the Technical Consultant Certification.

Stay On the Lookout

We’ll soon be rolling out a new Implementation Certification program exclusively for our valued partners. This program will walk you through how to successfully implement our products within your clients’ organizations. The training will cover the implementation process, best practices, and industry standards.

Ready to Learn?

Don’t forget — we’re here to assist you with whatever you need throughout your journey. You can always reach out to your Account Manager or contact [email protected] to gain more information on these courses, learning paths, and certifications. 

We wish you the best as you work toward mastering these resources and thriving!

Ashley Gwilliam

Ashley Gwilliam is a Content Writer for JumpCloud. After graduating with a degree in print-journalism, Ashley’s storytelling skills took her from on-camera acting to interviewing NBA basketball players to ghostwriting for CEOs. Today she writes about tech, startups, and remote work. In her analog life, she is on a quest to find the world's best tacos.

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