How JumpCloud Empowers Work From Anywhere

Written by Brenna Lee on June 9, 2023

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74% of U.S. companies either currently use or plan to implement a permanent hybrid work model. While this stat only accounts for U.S. companies, hybrid work has skyrocketed in popularity over the last five years or so, all across the world. While it offers great and much-needed flexibility for employees, managing and enabling hybrid work has become a burden on many IT organizations.

Luckily, JumpCloud’s open directory platform can ease this burden and empower hybrid users to be productive in a variety of ways. 

How JumpCloud Supports Hybrid Users

The JumpCloud Directory Platform includes robust identity, access, and device management features that make hybrid user management a breeze. Regardless of where a user is located, what they need access to, or what device they work from, manage and enable them centrally from the JumpCloud Console.

Manage All Identities in JumpCloud

Whether your employees are in the office, completely remote, or hybrid between both, manage them all using JumpCloud. One popular way to do this is creating groups of users within the JumpCloud Console. You can create groups based on users’ working style (in-office, remote, hybrid), device and operating system type, department, and much more. This allows IT to easily change permissions and provision or deprovision access based on each employee’s needs as well as changes in the way they work.

If you choose to create groups based on location, your hybrid group can be provisioned with access to office networks, but they may also have conditional access policies assigned to their device(s) that apply elsewhere. This ensures that they can connect when they’re in the office, but that they’re safe if they work in public or unknown locations where an unauthorized party might try to access resources on an unattended device.

In this scenario, your fully remote users will likely have more dynamic and non-dynamic policies assigned to them to ensure that they only work from trusted devices that lock after five minutes of no use, on trusted networks, during a certain set of hours (not at 2 a.m., for example), and from a certain geographic location. And on the other side of the equation, your in-office users might have fewer conditional access policies assigned, because in-office work and devices are more easily monitored for security purposes.

JumpCloud makes it easy to manage all of these types of users in a central location, which makes IT’s job much easier.

JumpCloud Enables Access From Anywhere

Because all users can be managed centrally in JumpCloud, that means that their access is managed in the same place. Regardless of where users are located, what devices they use, or what resources they need access to, IT can view, provision, and deprovision access whenever needed, all in the JumpCloud Console. Access changes can be done in the moment, by removing a user from a group or making individual changes to that user’s identity. 

Changes can also be scheduled. For example, when a new employee gets hired but doesn’t start for another week, IT can create the user right now, but schedule their activation a week into the future. This works the other way around too, a user’s deactivation can be scheduled when you know they will be gone on a certain date. Deactivating a user removes all of their access and privileges.

All of this makes hybrid user management much easier—IT can easily make immediate changes to hybrid user states or add/remove them from different groups to control their access levels. 

JumpCloud Access Features

Besides groups and user states, some other features native to the JumpCloud Directory Platform that help IT admins manage access are:

Secure and Manage Cross-OS and Mobile Devices With JumpCloud

To empower users all across the world to get work done, and to help IT manage them efficiently, JumpCloud supports all popular operating systems and device types. This includes Windows, Mac, Linux, iOS, and Android. Managing all of these devices in JumpCloud allows you to let employees choose the devices that they work best on, without forcing users into a box. Employees tend to be more productive on devices and operating systems they’re familiar with, and JumpCloud is here to help you enable users however possible.

Choice is important—whether that choice is in your hands as the organization or in your employees’ hands, we want to empower you to choose what makes sense for your business. You can also use JumpCloud to manage devices regardless of ownership—if your organization allows bring your own device (BYOD), you need an identity provider (IdP) that also supports it. With JumpCloud, you can manage personal devices used for work, as well as corporate-owned devices. Learn more about how JumpCloud’s Android EMM solution works with BYOD.

JumpCloud: Enabling Work From Anywhere

If you have a hybrid workforce, or you simply want to see how JumpCloud can support your organization and its users no matter where employees work—check it out for yourself. Create a JumpCloud Free account, and test out all of JumpCloud’s features with no strings attached. Enjoy your free account for up to 10 users and 10 devices, with 24×7 in-app chat support for the first 10 days after your account’s creation.



Get full-scale identity, access, and device management.

Brenna Lee

Brenna is a Content Writer at JumpCloud that loves learning about and immersing herself in new technologies. Outside of the [remote] office, she loves traveling and exploring the outdoors!

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