Connect QNAP to Cloud Identity Management
QNAP network attached storage (NAS) appliances are popular on-prem storage devices, but can you connect QNAP to cloud identity management?
Who doesn't want to be the best? Learn more about the best practices of the identity and access management (IAM) space.
QNAP network attached storage (NAS) appliances are popular on-prem storage devices, but can you connect QNAP to cloud identity management?
Managing users and systems manually is a real pain for IT admins. Thankfully, with JumpCloud® Groups in Directory-as-a-Service®, admins can […]
As Synology is a brand of Network Attached Storage (NAS) appliances, IT admins would like to manage Synology NAS user access from the cloud.
The announcement of macOS Catalina has many IT admins wondering about using SAML authentication for to manage their Mac systems.
The two major approaches to managing WiFi users both require them to connect to the network uniquely. How can they do this? We'll explain.
The challenge for IT admins in today's mixed platform organizations is that Microsoft Group Policy Objects may not be an accessible or sufficient solution.
Be sure your end users don’t get locked out from their resources when their passwords expire. Check out these updates from JumpCloud.
Do you need to set password complexity for LDAP? After all, password complexity requirements can help you better control your IT security.
Natural disasters impact our lives, homes, and especially IT infrastructure. But when you shift to the cloud, those impacts can be minimized.
Using G Suite identities to authenticate macOS devices has been only a dream for IT admins. With a cloud directory service, it is a reality.
Is there OpenLDAP™ with a web UI for admins? The shift of IT to the cloud has sparked a need for cloud open-source directory protocol support.
System authentication via OpenLDAP™ works best with Linux®. But, with Windows® and macOS® systems in most environments, it doesn’t cut it.