Preparing a Device for Remote Work Checklist

With the demand for remote work reaching a fever pitch, IT admins need to ensure that their end users’ devices are secure and effective for use outside of the office. That’s why we’ve come up with this checklist for things to consider while preparing a device for remote work.

Before you start evaluating the devices themselves, first start with your identity management/directory infrastructure to ensure that your end users can securely access the IT resources they need to get their jobs done:

Now onto questions about how you’re managing devices:

With these basics out of the way, let’s get into security requirements:

Outside of direct system setup, employees need to use their workstation to remotely access resources. With that, let’s talk access control:

With that settled, one of the last things you need to worry about is how you’ll be supporting your end users:

All of these considerations merely scratch the surface of what IT admins need to do to ensure that end user devices are securely equipped to function remotely. If you’d like to learn more about implementing these and other steps, check out our Admin’s Guide to Working From Home.

About JumpCloud

The JumpCloud Directory Platform provides secure, frictionless user access from any device to any resource, regardless of location. Get started, or contact us at 855.212.3122.