Monta chooses JumpCloud for ease of use, ‘everything IT needs’ delivered through a single pane of glass

Monta is the ultimate platform powering the entire EV charging ecosystem. From drivers to businesses to industry partners, the company offers software solutions that cover all EV charging needs. Founded in 2020, the company now has 230 employees working out of its headquarters in Copenhagen and satellite offices in Barcelona, Paris, and Berlin. Monta’s product suite is designed to offer flexibility and transparency, allowing everyone to maintain control over their EV charging experience.

Building simple & secure IT infrastructure from the ground up

Panche Tasev, Monta’s head of IT, holds himself to the highest standards and always thinks about how to make the IT environments he manages simpler, more efficient, and more secure. 

“You need to be aware of the trends, be proactive, and make sure the right tools are in place,” he says. “I never do workarounds. I always follow best practices and always work on improvements. That’s my motto.” 

When Tasev joined Monta in March 2023, he was tasked with building a strong technological backbone that would support the company as it scaled.

“We are in the early stages where we need to structure things properly,” Tasev says. “We’re always trying to be a step ahead — the same approach we take with our product suite and features.”

Choosing JumpCloud for robust functionality over a single platform

Shortly after starting at Monta, Tasev surveyed the lay of the land and picked his first IT target: mobile device management (MDM). “We didn’t have any mobile device management solution,” he explains. “Since MDM is one of the core things every organization needs when they want to scale, I wanted to roll something out as soon as possible.”

At a previous job, Tasev used JumpCloud for mobile device management and was familiar with its feature-rich nature beyond MDM. Even so, he did his due diligence and began researching all the MDM options on the market, including Jamf and Kandji. 

While those solutions are suitable for managing Apple devices, Monta has a diverse computing environment that includes roughly 80% Mac, 15% Windows, and 5% Linux machines. For the sake of simplicity, Tasev wanted a tool that would enable him to manage all of these devices through a single interface. That requirement — and the fact that Tasev was already familiar with JumpCloud and its myriad capabilities — made the decision an easy one. 

“I ended up choosing JumpCloud because I could manage every device under one roof,” Tasev says. “Plus, instead of using Okta with Jamf or something like that, I could also use JumpCloud as an identity provider, for user management, password management, and so on.”

Simplifying IT for the entire company while improving compliance & security

JumpCloud gives Tasev a powerful toolkit that enables him to protect devices and sensitive company data across all of Monta’s offices. Instead of cobbling several point solutions together — and watching monthly bills compound — JumpCloud makes IT management simple for Tasev over a single pane of glass, leading to a lower total cost of ownership (TCO) compared to other options.

“The convenience of keeping everything IT needs under one roof can’t be beat,” he says. “I always try to improve my environment and always try to make things easier — not just for myself but for all my colleagues. Simplicity and ease of use is what JumpCloud delivers.”

In addition to providing a single platform that simplifies IT for both Tasev and Monta’s employees, the company has been able to improve its compliance and security posture with JumpCloud powering its digital operations. 

Improved compliance

When Tasev started at Monta, he quickly noticed a need for a more robust method to ensure that devices were consistently updated with the latest versions and security patches. JumpCloud’s ability to determine whether users were keeping their devices up to date helped create an overview of complying users

“I said, ‘This is nice, but how do we grow? How do we get bigger customers?’” he explains. “If you want to work with bigger customers, you have to be compliant no matter what. That’s just how it works everywhere. Bigger companies won’t work with vendors that aren’t compliant.”

After deploying JumpCloud and enrolling all of the company’s devices, Tasev had the visibility he needed to make sure every employee was complying with relevant policies.

“JumpCloud makes it super easy for us to ensure that all of our devices are up to date and compliant with the latest security patches and protocols.” 

Improved security

As a company that works with the electrical grid and aims to deliver an EV charging ecosystem across Europe, Monta takes security very seriously. At the same time, the company wants to ensure its employees have the tools they need to work as productively as possible. 

“Security and simplicity sometimes don’t go hand-in-hand, but I try to make it as easy as possible for users,” he says. As an example, Tasev has automated office access using JumpCloud and Kisi; this innovative use case enables authorized employees to enter office buildings using their own mobile phones, with no fobs required, shoring up physical access management.

After deploying JumpCloud, Tasev turned on single sign-on (SSO) — which, in his experience, most vendors treat as an add-on.

“Some vendors just double the price to get SSO,” Tasev says. “With JumpCloud, I don’t need to see whether we have the right subscription. It’s included out of the box.” 

Looking ahead, Tasev plans to further strengthen Monta’s security footprint by enabling multi-factor authentication (MFA) in JumpCloud. To enhance network security, he’s also exploring JumpCloud’s cloud RADIUS offering and plans to test it in the near future.

“The beauty of JumpCloud is in its simplicity — using all of these features together over one pane of glass,” Tasev concludes. “Now, when I go to any vendor, the first thing I ask is whether their products work and integrate with JumpCloud.”

Learn more about JumpCloud 

JumpCloud changes the way IT administrators manage their organizations by providing a comprehensive and flexible cloud directory platform. From one pane of glass, manage user identities and resource access, secure Mac, Windows, and Linux devices, and get a full view of your environment.

Get started with JumpCloud today.

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