We believe a hands-on experience with the JumpCloud Open Directory Platform is the best path to solve your IT challenges and experience JumpCloud features before you decide whether to buy them. Because of this, we offer a Free Trial and Free Testing.
In our “Free Trial”, you can try the JumpCloud service for free for 30 days by registering for a new account. If you need to extend your Free Trial beyond the 30-day period, please submit a request with your Account Manager before the trial period expires.
Our “Free Testing” provides you access to features outside your subscription. We encourage you to test any additional feature in your account for up to 30 days to understand the benefits of the feature for your organization. If you need to extend your Free Testing period beyond 30 days, please submit a request with your Account Manager before the period expires. If you continue to use the feature after the end of the Free Testing period, the feature will be automatically added to your account as a month-to-month a la carte subscription, as provided in our Directory as a Service Agreement (terms available at https://jumpcloud.com/legal/).
You always have the option to add the feature to your annual subscription by contacting your Account Manager, or by emailing accounts@jumpcloud.com. If you prefer that the feature not be added to your account at the end of the Free Testing period, or you would like to remove it for subsequent months after it has been automatically added to your account, simply remove all active configurations applicable to that feature.
If you need help at any time, you can contact your Account Manager or support team for assistance. We may also follow up with you periodically to discuss the features you’re using.
We trust our customers and want to treat you fairly. This is why we believe in an open platform and transparent pricing that enables you to try our features in your environment before making a purchase decision. In the event that we determine that you are not adhering to our Free Trial or Free Testing policy, we may require payment for our services or require you to stop using any unpaid services. We may update this fair use policy from time to time by posting the revised policy on this page (or a successor page).
Effective as of: February 1, 2024